Product Description
MS Cara Inox are for pointers and shooters, thanks to their half-tender material.
They propose satiny finition, with soft touch. Three-ball MS Car Inox is recognize fort her good quality as point as shoot. Approval indication on the ball is MS CZ.
Stainless steel does not require any special maintenance. The colour of the ball can change a little according to the paint, more or less dark following delivery.
Features :
- Hardness : Half-tender, 135 Kg/mm²
- Material : Stainless steel chrome
- Diameter : 72 mm to 76 mm
- Weight : 675g to 720g
- Guarantee : 3 years
- Three-ball delivered in cardboard box
Personalized options :
- Personalized engraving :
Distinguish you on the ground by engraving your balls ! It will allows to recognize easily your balls, espacially in the event of an other player had the same balls. We propose 3 types of engraving : stylish (2 capital letters), long (until 15 characters) and initials (until 3 characters). Discover details of personlized engraving.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Warranty period | 3 yrs |
Diameter tolerance | +/- 0.5 mm (+0,5 mm for dia 70.5 et -0.5 mm for dia 80 mm) |
Weight tolerance (per ball) | +/- 5 g |
Pattern | TR |
Care instructions | Stainless steel does not require any special maintenance. Clean your balls after each game with a microfiber wiping cloth to remove dust. Then wash with soap and water. You can, however, ;oil them occasionally to make them shine. It is normal that some appear stainless leave small rust. |
Packaging | Carton box |
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